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Tips for Attending the Showcase


Our goal is to provide the most information to you to help you plan the perfect wedding or event. Below are answers to some questions you might have and tips to help you get the most out of your visit to the expo.

When is the next showcase?

The winter expo will take place Sunday, January 12, 2020 at SiMT (on the campus of Florence - Darlington Tech) from 2 pm - 5 pm.

The summer expo will take place on Sunday, August 9, 2020 at The ROB from 2 - 5 pm.



Yes. You can purchase tickets online after registering to attend the expo. Although tickets can be purchased at the door, advance tickets will save you time and money.

Are advance tickets available?
Should I bring someone with me?

Yes, we encourage you to! Your future spouse, family members and friends can be a huge source of help in the planning process. They can help you collect information, speak with vendors and provide you with much needed support.

What should I bring to the showcase?

Pre-printed address labels or business cards - This will save you time as you visit with each vendor. Many vendors will be registering expo visitors for changes to win awesome prizes. Having pre-printed labels makes registering easier and saves you time. Labels should include: your name, address, contact number, email and wedding/event date.


Email - Create a "wedding only" email address (that's not associated with your professional email address). This will help you keep all of your wedding related information together in one place. You may receive a higher volume of emails after the show and this will help you keep all of the showcase related deals and offers in one location.


Checkbook or credit card - Some vendors may be offering special discounts for booking them at the expo.


Calendar - To make post expo appointments with vendors that you have an interest in. A calendar will help you keep track of your appointments.

What time should I arrive?

It's always a good idea to arrive early. Doors open at 2 pm. Once you enter, you will be directed to the registration areas. VIP registration is for attendees who have registered online.

How long should I plan to stay at the showcase?


We recommend that you take your time and stay the entire time to enjoy the entire experience. There will be drawings and special events throughout the showcase, as well as a grand prize drawing at the end of the showcase.*


You can leave and re-enter the showcase, but you must be wearing our original wristband you received at entry. If you do not have your wristband on, you will need to purchase a new ticket to re-enter.



*You must be present to be eligible to win the grand prize drawings.

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